International African Inventors Museum IAI Museum Homeemail

What people have to say about our programs
and events.
Excellent display of black culture and achievement over the years. A vast amount of information and insight; A great venue.
Centennial College student, HP Campus
A fascinating re-discovery of the vast influences and contributions Africans worldwide have made to modern society as we know it.
Danielle Coqueran
Ryerson University
An inspirational journey through the lives, times and accomplishments of successful African-Americans!
Amma Agyemang
Ryerson University
I must truly say I am impressed. The collection of information on black men and women who have helped shape the way we live is great. Keep up the good work.
Christiana Ogbonnaga
Centennial College student, HP Campus
I was really surprised at all the contributions that black individuals have made to this world. I think that we should be more informed about the great contributions made by our fellow people. The display museum at school was a great way of informing and expressing the black culture. And likewise efforts should be continued.
Arlene Ambrose
Nursing student at Centennial College
I was surprised by what I have learned today. This was an eye opener. I hope a lot of people have the opportunity to see what I saw.
Monique Brown
Nursing student at Centennial College
I was impressed by the enormous amount of contributions Black individuals have made to technological history. I was inspired by the fact that there are no limits to the human imagination.
Mike Sergeant
Medical Laboratory Technician
Centennial College
Wow! I was impressed so much that Blacks have contributed to the Global family. Marvelous truly!!
Wendy Tseng
Centennial College
Very impressive. Very enlightening. I was not aware of the fact that so many of these things were invented by blacks.
Linda Abrahams (February 2005)
Your museum was amazing, the creative-artistic display, research and details of the information were spectacular. Thank you very much for coming to Centennial College and sharing your research and knowledge of inventions by black people to all of Centennial College student. thankyou,
Centennial College Student
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